
I grew up as an athlete and student. I always strived to excel at sports and school. I always loved big projects and always loved bringing home straight A's on my report card. I loved to impress my sporting coaches and my parents/grandparents any chance I could get. I was a teacher's pet and a momma's boy. I was also a tattletale in school and got made fun of a lot. I told on everyone for everything and even the teachers got annoyed and called me a "rat". Fast forward, I became a nerdy adult eager to learn anything about everything and always trying to invent things and start new businesses. I tried working with others by hiring teenagers and college students to help me with small contracting jobs and various projects, but I found them to be unmotivated by their $10/hr wages and always texting or getting distracted. I realized that working alone I am actually able to get things done faster, cheaper, and without having to baby-sit an ungrateful, lazy employee. So I sort of set my mind that I was alone in the world of entrepreneurship. When I started my robot in 2014, I had this same attitude and decided it would be a solo project. I believe many will find the solo aspect of the project to make it that much more intriguing and entertaining. Large robotics teams are a dime a dozen, so having somebody take on a project of this magnitude alone in his basement is really something to behold. It is part of what makes this project stand out from the crowd. I am hoping to continue to achieve big things in robotics and eventually turn it into a career. Meanwhile, I have been continuing to pursue my other small business endeavors while working on the robot in spurts as often as I can manage.

As far as my beliefs, I am a hardcore Christian completely dedicated to doing everything in my life to please God and acknowledge God in all things. I hope to be a example of what a follower of Christ should walk as. I have had strong and weak periods during my time as a Christian. But I hope to finish my race walking very strongly and without compromise. I hope to walk with total uprightness and holiness without which no man will see God. As far as how the robot fits into this world view, I believe it falls into subduing the earth. Technology and buildings things is fine in the sight of God as long as the motives are pure. Jesus was a carpenter working with wood and technology of his time to make useful wooden apparatus. In the same way I'm using plastic and metal to make useful apparatus. Robots can be used for good or evil just like computers. Same for AI. One can use computers for porn - a bad thing, or one can use computers to study the Bible - a good thing. So this project aims to use the field of robotics for good, to be a hard working contributor to society and work with my hands and extend the work of my hands by way of creating robotics hands as a force mutliplier for my own hands to do good and please God. I stand in awe of God's designs of the mind and body and so my robot emulates these designs as fan art. I am a fan of God's art creating inspired fan art of his artwork of creation. This is done in reverence to God and before God with a pure heart and pure motives.

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